Last Thursday, my mom and I got on a plane to go to Texas. We just got back today. Let me tell you about my trip.
Wednesday at about 3:30, my mom got a call from daycare because I kept saying that my ear hurt. My mom couldn't believe it. She took me to a doctor, and he said I had an ear infection in my right ear. How great is my timing!
Thursday, my mom got up at 3:15 in the morning to get us to the airport. We got on the big Dow Shuttle. The flight was ok, except for the descent. It made my ears hurt, and I cried. When we got to Texas we went to see Ms. Susan and Ms. Cynthia, Mr. Drew, Ms. Terry, Ms. Kathy and Mr. Walter all showed up to see me. I am quite popular. After that, we went to see Ms. Suzie. She got me a really cool toy truck. We went to lunch, and she let me empty as many sugar packages into water as I wanted. That was more fun than you might guess. Thursday night we went to dinner with Ms. Sandra, Mr. Conor, Ms. Michele, Mr. Art, Ms. Darah, Mr. Trey and Mr. Chuck. The restaurant had a sandbox, and I went running to it to play. Ms. Michele went running after me, but she stopped right at the edge of the sandbox. Apparently, her 4 inch Pradas can't play in the sand. Thursday was a good day.
Let me tell you about our hotel. It had two swans who live in it. They're names are Pa and Gram. They were very pretty and nice too. I got to feed them lettuce too!
Friday, my mom took me to a new school, and I had a lot of fun there. It was Texas day so I learned about cowboys. On Friday night we went to dinner with Ms. Lisa. I had a burger and french fries. After dinner, Ms. Lisa took us to see this waterfall right in the middle of the city. Then my mom and I went back to hotel and went swimming. I really liked the pool and the "hot pool."
Saturday, we went to the zoo. I saw elephants, giraffes, baby giraffes, sea lions, turtles, bears, fish, lions, tigers, cheetahs, monkeys, and leopards. The Houston Zoo is really nice. After we saw all the animals, my mom bought me a stuffed frog. It's super bright and funny. My mom asked me what its name was, and I said "Sparky Anderson, Ty Cobb, Big Guy." So that's what we call it. After the zoo, we went back to the hotel and went swimming again.
Sunday, we woke up and went swimming. Can you tell I really liked that part? Then we went to this big mall called the Galleria. It is so big that it has a skating rink in it! After a couple of hours, I fell asleep. I woke up at the hotel. After I woke up we went swimming again!
Today -- we came home. I had a lot of fun in Texas with my mom, but I'm glad to be home.