Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh my!

In the words of Grover -- "Hel-lo Every-Bo-dy!!!"

The highlight of my weekend was going to the Detroit Zoo with Kristen, Evan, Megan and Jennifer. Kristen took pictures so when we get them, I will post them for you to see. We had a lot of fun, and we saw a lot of animals. Did you know they just let the peacocks roam free? I thought that was pretty wild. I was disappointed that we didn't see the wolverine -- I guess it was sleeping. I bet it was getting its rest for football season. GO BLUE! -- sorry couldn't resist. Anyway, we saw giraffes and monkeys and gorillas. We also saw some seals and a polar bear. It was a lot of fun!

On Sunday, I had a lot of fun playing in my froggy pool and my water table. It's so much fun to splash and get everything and everyone wet! On Monday, my mom and I had our second swimming class. I really like it -- especially when I get to jump in! I practiced kicking and paddling and blowing bubbles. It makes me really tired, though.

Finally -- I want to say hi to Brandy. She read my blog all the way from Minnesota. Too bad you got married Brandy!


Harlan said...

Glad you liked the zoo and swimming! You will have to come visit me and take a dip in Lake Washington. We have plenty of parks and goose free grass to play-on. Espescially glad that I am not the only one quoting Grover. :)

bjsatz said...

Ah, X, You'll always be my little man!!