Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh No You Did-n't!

So let me tell you what happened yesterday. My mom took me to the mall to play in the playland. First we ate. My mom had Subway. I had McDonald's -- french fries and milk. When it comes to french fries, I like to "dut em" (dump them) out on the table and pick out the "bidt" (big) ones.

After we ate, we went to the playland. There was a girl about 5 running around, and she ran right into me and then looked at me like I was the one who caused the collision. I wasn't having it so I looked at her, pointed my finger at her and told her "No!" Every time I saw her at the play land I pointed at her and told her "No!" She eventually stopped coming near me. I think I got my point across.

I think my mom was proud that I stood up for myself.


Harlan said...

I am damn proud of byou!

Did you fall down or get hurt, when she ran into you?

X's Mom said...

I did not fall down or get hurt. I'm tough!

X's Mom said...
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