Where do I start? So much time has gone by since my last post, you are probably all in withdrawal....so sorry. My Mom has been busy traveling racking up those frequent flier miles, which I hope she uses on me. While mama has been traveling, I've been spending time at Papa and GG's house.
It has been fun there and also busy keeping those two in line. In the morning GG takes me to school and then picks me up. Most mornings she gets me a chocolate milk from Starbucks; it comes in a box. Some days we take Papa to physical therapy. When we're there, I get to play with these really big bouncing balls. Because my Papa's physical therapist is Uncle Josh's friend, I pretty much get to do what I want. It's the perks of knowing people.
The other day at school we went to Dinosaur Hill, but they didn't have any dinosaurs! That just doesn't make sense. I mean no dinosaurs at Dinosaur Hill, and pumpkins at the apple orchard.
My mom comes home on the weekends. I'm always happy to see her. A couple of weeks ago, Papa, Uncle Josh, Mom and I went to the Michigan football game. I had a major fit because I didn't want to wear my coat. "It bothers me." I couldn't even walk or eat popcorn. My mom got upset; she thought I was over reacting. I couldn't even eat my popcorn people! It dmore serious than that. She oesn't get gave me some options, and I chose to leave the game. We caught a cab to the mall where we parked. I went inside the mall, took off my coat and had a blast until Uncle Josh and Papa met us after the game. I noticed my mom didn't take me to the Michigan game this past weekend. Hmmm, wonder why...
Also, it is time for me to update you on my new Exciting Person of the Month. I am proud to announce Uncle Josh..aka Uncle Gosh.
Uncle Josh is the best. He always comes over to play with me and to help Papa and GG. Sometimes he brings me french fries from McDonald's, and he lets me finish his milkshake. He is a pretty good wrestler and good at Candy Land, but I am better. So join me in saying..."yeah Uncle Josh".
1 comment:
Glad to see you back on line buddy. I am sure your lost of control at the Michigan game was directly related to Michigan's performance. By the look of the game you didn't miss much.
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