Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News

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I saw Dr. Juarbe today. He said I'm a big boy. Duh! I am 36 1/2 inches tall, and I weigh 31 pounds and 13 ounces. That puts me in the 95% for heighth and the 85% for weight.

I was in performance mode for Dr. Juare. I told him who was going to be President ("Bak-A-Mama!"). I counted up to 14 without prompting. I pointed out an X and an M, and I sang Hail to the Victors. When he was looking at my right leg, I said "Xavier's right foot." He was impressed. Don't tell anyone, but that was the first time I ever got that right!

Dr. Juarbe told my mom to keep up the good work. Go Mommy!

1 comment:

Harlan said...

Two shouts for mommy!