Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hi there

Hi everyone. For the past two weeks I've been at my Papa and GG's house because my mom is traveling for work. I haven't been able to blog because Papa and GG keep me very busy. I've been having lots of fun with them and at Beth's Imagination Station -- that's the daycare I go to when I'm at their house (I have two of EVERYTHING).

Last weekend was my last swimming class down by Papa and GG's. This weekend I start a "Sports Sampler" class. I think it is going to be lots of fun. Plus my mom will be at Papa and GG's this weekend, and I miss her. I know she misses me too.

Hope everyone in blogland has been well.

One more thing -- I want to say Hi to my future GF, Evie, and her mom -- my current GF, Ryan. Is that weird... I hope you are both feeling well and doing well.

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1 comment:

Ryan said...

Hi X!
Thanks for the shout out! Evie thinks you're really cool!

I bet Papa and GG had a fabulous time with you over the last couple of weeks.

Say hi to you Mom for us!