Monday, November 24, 2008

The Latest and Greatest

My mommie almost got in trouble because someone told me she wasn't being a good mommie. They said that because she took me to the Lions' game on Sunday, and the Lions are a realy bad football team. I mean really bad. But I like to go. I eat hot dogs, popcorn, and pretzels and I get to see them kick the ball and spike it and score touchdowns. Actually, the Lions don't score much. But I still had fun.

Tonight we went to dinner with Lianne. She's really nice to me. She brought me back grapes from the salad bar. They were yummy. We had a lot of fun. She laughs at the way I say Barack Obama. I say "Moc-amama." Right before I went to bed, I said to my mommy, "We-anne pay a Xavier." That means Lianne played with Xavier.

Uncle Abu is coming to visit me on Thursday. I can't wait!

1 comment:

Keith said...

That's too funny, X...I'd say your Mommie's a great one, even though she does make you suffer through Lions (and Wolverine) games.

Happy Thanksgiving to you both (and your family)...Hope you guys have a great turkey day!