Doug aka Uncle Nerd:
Un-cle Nerd, Un-cle Nerd
Oh my word how I love my Uncle Nerd.
Un-cle Nerd, Un-cle Nerd
He's superman and he flies like a bird.
Nancy aka Granny Nanny:
Granny Nan-ny Granny Nan-ny
Her name's not Annie
She has a nice fanny.
Granny Nan-ny, Granny Nan-ny
The way she loves me is just uncanny.
Jeff aka Jeff the Chef:
My friend Jeff is a really good chef.
He's not schleppy;
I like to call him Jeppy.
Brad aka Bad Brad:
His name is Brad,
and he is bad.
He never makes me sad,
and for this I'm glad.
Lindsay aka Torte:
Do you know Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay?
Do you know Lindsay, Lindsay, Linds?
She doesn't have warts.
She's never out of sort.
I love her a lot so I call her Torte.
Do you know Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay
Do you know Lindsay, LIndsay, Linds?