Thursday, July 9, 2009

Gems from X

Here are some things I've recently said:

"Keep your hands off my friend!" Said to my mom when she was ticking me in the park. Even I don't know who I meant when I said "friend."

"I drive us to imagination station." This is what I told my mom when I got in the play car at the park. Imagination Station is the school I go to when I'm at my Papa and GG's.

"Mommie, Michael Jackson not a bad boy...he made a bad choice." I am now obssessed with MJ, and we were listening to "Bad" in the car.

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Ryan said...

He is too funny! You should buy him the MJ glove. :-)

X's Mom said...

Ryan -- he thinks he is MJ. You should see him dance. I'm hoping to upload the video soon. Take care!