It is a tournament for base ball held in Mumford, New York. Not baseball -- base ball, as in vintage base ball. Papa's Grangers were playing in it. On Friday, we left the house and drove through Canada to get to New York -- it's the shorter route. Or at least it is supposed to be, but we spent a lot of time waiting to get into Canada and then into the United States.
On Friday, we went to the Rochester Red Wings baseball game. I kept saying "Way to go Red Wings! Way to go!" But I couldn't figure out where the ice was. And why were these guys using bats instead of hockey sticks?
On Saturday, Papa left the hotel early to go to his 8 o'clock game. He rode over with Cueball, so Cueball's son, Mo Mo came to our room. We slept for a bit, and then we left the hotel to go to the game too. The Grangers won their first game, but they were hurting. Cueball's knee was swollen to twice it's size. Goodfella had an injury, Slappy had a hamstring injury, Nails hurt his hip, and Barnraiser had bruised ribs. But I'll tell you what -- those Grangers played their hearts out. They won their second game and their third game.
After the third game, we went back to the hotel. I took a nap, and then we met everyone at Dinosaur Bones for some BBQ. Delicious! After dinner, we went back to the hotel. I got my pajamas on, and my mom made me some popcorn to eat. ALl of a sudden there was a knock on our door -- it was my friend Mo Mo. Then two of Barnraiser's daughters, Kelly and Colleen came over. Everyone in their room was asleep so they came to see what we were doing. How do you like that? It was the two year-old who kept the party going! We sat on the bed and ate popcorn. I also told a story about my two dogs, Oveck and Oveek (pretend). It lasted 8 whole minutes.
On Sunday Papa left early again, and Mo Mo came over. We waited to hear how the first game went. Grangers won! They were playing in the championship. We went over for that game. It started off ok, and then it poured, and the game was suspended for about an hour. The game resumed. The Grangers lost, but they showed more heart than any other team. As they say "For the Love of the Game!"
after the championship game, it was time to go home. We decided to go through the US instead of Canada. My mom drove through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and a little bit into Michigan. Then she passed the wheel over to GG. I finally fell asleep in the car around 11 pm. I passed the time watching Shrek the Third and Elmo in Grouchland.
Whew! What a weekend. I am a well traveled kid.

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